1. Uses of accounting ratios in business decisions
Uses of accounting ratios in business decisions chapter twoliterature reviewintroductionour focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literature that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of scholars who had previously contributed immense...
2. Forensic accounting and audit as a panacea for preventing corporate fraud in nigeria
Forensic accounting and audit as a panacea for preventing corporate fraud in nigeria chapter tworeview of literatureintroductionfraud and corruption are fundamental problems of third world countries, particularly nigeria were officialcorruption has become endemic.(akram 2009). the spate of world-wid...
3. Determinants of tax compliance among sme’s
Determinants of tax compliance among sme’s chapter two review of related literature 2.1 introduction most large companies have their roots in small and medium enterprises suggesting that the future large corporations are the smes of today that that must be nurtured to ensure their growth. thus, smes...
4. Working capital management and profitability of listed pharmaceutical firms in nigeria
Working capital management and profitability of listed pharmaceutical firms in nigeria chapter two literature review 2.1 introductionthe chapter deals with the review of literature related to liqulity management and activities of cooperate organizations. this chapter focuses on the concept of...
The effect of value added tax on the nigeria tax system: a case study of revenue mobilization and fiscal allocation commission, abuja chapter tworeview of related literature 2.1 introduction country seeking to improve its revenue generation wou...
The impact of international public sector accounting standard (ipsas) in nigeria public service (a case study of lagos state civil service) chapter twoliterature review 2.1 conceptual framework of ipsasthe development of the ipsas has its origin in the accounting progression as a way to improve the...
7. The impact of online value added tax on e-commerce in nigeria
The impact of online value added tax on e-commerce in nigeria chapter tworeview of literatureintroductionour focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literatures that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of scholars who had previously c...
The impacts of accounting information on non-profit makings organization a case study of grace of god mission awkunana chapter twoliterature reviewthe concept of financial record-keeping/evolution of record keeping the origin of recording according to okafor et al (1996:1) can be t...
9. Impact of cash management on corporate performance.
Abstract this work evaluate the impact of cash management on corporate performances, a case study of union bank plc. nigeria. the lack of cash management knowledge and skills is one of the major problems in banking sector, therefore three objectives and hypothesis were formulated to guide this work....
Chapter oneintroduction1.1 background of the studythe role of technology in the information age is well recognized by business, industry and government and is completely woven in to their organizational structures and strategic planning processes glover (1993).the quality of strategic planning is li...
Chapter one1.0 introduction1.1 background of the studythe business field has gone beyond venturing into any activity, project or business without first checking its need, resources needed, resources available, procedures and the possible outcome of the project or business.in the business world today...
Chapter oneintroduction1.1 background of the study the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations of a business depends on the control available to management in most business organization, there are numbers of activities going on at the same time such as producing, purchasing, distributing, se...
Table of contentschapter one: introduction1.1 background of the study1.2 statement of problem1.3 research objectives1.4 research questions1.5 significance of the study1.6 scope of study1.7 organization of study1.8 definition of termschapter two: litera...