1. Effect of multinational corporations on nigeria economy
Effect of multinational corporations on nigeria economy chapter twoliterature reviewconsiderable amount of literature on mnc exists. the areas considered relevant to this study are reviewed accordingly in this chapter. 2.1 the inducement factors and entry strategies into multinational business some...
Chapter oneintroduction1.1 background of the studythere are number of factors that contribute to the success of any organization, these factors include, capital, equipment, manpower e.t.c. all these factors are important but the most significant factor is the human factor since it is the people that...
3. The impact of public opinion on public policy
The impact of public opinion on public policy a case study of plateau state (2015-2019) abstract this research work that analysis on the impact of public opinion on public policy in plateau state from 2015-2019. this project work breaks down how governmental decisions are being influenced by th...