Review of literatureintroductionour focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literature that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of scholars who had previously contributed immensely to similar research. the chapter intends to deepen th...
2. Building collapse : a challenge for the real estate industry and construction companies in nigeria
Review of literatureintroductionour focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literature that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of scholars who had previously contributed immensely to similar research. the chapter intends to deepen th...
Literature review2.1 historical background 2.1.1 early efforts in the control of quality of production early civil engineering projects were built from specifications, for example the four sides of the base of the great pyramid of giza were required to be perpendicular to within 3.5 arc seconds....
4. The compressibility properties of soil
Literature review2.1 theory as applied to compressibility determinationsfor a saturated soil mass, carrying a static load, causing a total vertical stress of σ bond by the soil mass in two components, i.e (i) σo or po, being the effective stress or the inter-granular stress, and (ii) u, being the po...
5. An investigation into the properties of stabilized laterite blocks
Literature reviewintroductionthis chapter literature related to stabilized interlocking blocks. this could be from previous studies and textbooks. this gives an insight into subject matter and provides guide for the study and researcher. it also suggests stakeholders of what needs to be done.2.1 def...
6. Causes, prevention and treatment of damp on building
Literature reviewthis chapter addresses the literature review to guide the study. it is organised under the following sub-headings:dampcauses of dampidentification/symptoms of dampmeasures for preventing damptreatment of damp in building componentdampto be more realistic, damp in building cannot be...
7. The impact of procurement systems on construction cost and delivery
Literature review2.1 introductionpublic procurement systems in nigeria has over the years been grossly abused especially in the construction industry leading to cost inflation, delays in project delivery, poor quality of work, and project abandonment. for a developing nation like nigeria, which is s...
8. The impact of effective contract planning on contractors profit
Literature review2.0 introductionin this chapter, the researcher will review existing literature generally on contract planning and narrow it down to the effects it has on time, cost and the general performance of an organization.various concepts of contract planning, contract management and organiz...
9. Improvement of bearing capacity of sandy soil by grouting
Literature reviewintroductiongrouting which has several application in the field of civil engineering was once considered as a mysterious operation. the effectiveness of grouting requires a lot of understanding, skill, meticulous attention and an intuitive perception. even though grouting was starte...