
Here are some common questions about repository

Getting started

You can publish all research work on repository including (Articles, Thesis, slides, digital courses, Ebooks, Business Plans, Dissertations, Project work, Proposals, Seminar works) and all forms for digital content.

You need to create a vendor account to publish on repository Create vendor account Once your account creation process is completed, our system will approve your account within minutes and then you can start publishing. click step by step guide on how to publish on repository

No, you cannot re-publish/reproduce any content on repository without the express permission of the author.

Vendors and Publication

Please upload your document as a Microsoft Word / PDF file. We encourage you to use Ms-word to enable editing.

Yes, you can. Please enter the name(s) of your coauthor(s) in the “Notes” box when uploading your paper or let us know via e-mail. We ask you to make sure that your co-author has agreed to the publication.

No, you can’t. you will need to first sign up on repository before you can publish.

Our editing team will examine your submission, paying attention to whether it is complete and meets standards. If we have any further questions, we will contact you at this point. As soon as your work is published, you will receive an e-mail with the link to your publication.

As long as your manuscript has not yet been published, you can still send us an updated document via e-mail or alter the information you submitted. After publication, alterations can only be made in exceptional cases. Please contact our support team: support@repository.africa

Please send an e-mail to our support team at support@repository.africa. We will check the status of your publication and, if possible, remove the manuscript from our database

The average processing time of a submission is usually between 1-5 business days.

You can login to your dashboard to see the reason for the rejection. Also feel free to send us a mail to qa@repository.africa

As a vendor, You can make your Publications free or Premium links to Free Vs Premium publications. Researchers Get 70% of earnings on Premium publications.

When you agree to repository.africa terms and condition, you grant that, while the contract is valid, repository.africa holds the exclusive right of use which is unrestricted in time, territory and content. We may alter your text (editing, proof-reading), merchandise it and publish it in a new context (for example as part of a collection or an app) and translate it into different languages. Of course, you will be notified about every new publication.

Customers and Purchases

We have provided different payment option Online and offline Payment . You can make payment into any of our account number on the website or our online payment system.

You can download any publication on repository, click any publication you want to download and Get Publication Step by step guide: How to download a publication

Pricing and Earnings

Vendors can determine the price of their publication. However, we advice you set realistic price to enhance your sales

Once your earning is 3,000 Naira in your wallet, you can request for a payout on your dashboard. click here for Step by step Guide on how to withdraw your earnings

Once you login to your account, Go to bank and provide us your account where all earnings will be paid into. click here for Step by Step Guide on how to Update account information to receive payment outside Nigeria kindly send us a mail support@repository.africa

Account Settings

On https://www.repository.africa click “Login” and choose “Forgot Password?” from the login section. In the next step, you will be asked to enter the e-mail address you used when registering with repository. We will then send an e-mail to this address that will contain a temporary password which can be used to login to your account. You can now set a new password using Login/Personal Data.

Please send an e-mail to our support team (support@repository.africa) or call us. We’ll be happy to help.

Please log in to your vendor’s account using your e-mail address and password and proceed to the account section. Here, you can keep your personal information, for example your e-mail address and bank data up-to-date.


If you believe your work has been publish on our platform without your authorization in a way that constitute copyright infringement, kindly send us a mail to hello@repository.africa.