A critical assessment of the surge of cryptocurrencies and its usage in africa(a case study of selected fintech companies in nigeria) chapter twoliterature reviewintroductioncurrency as a legal tender is accepted as a unit of account, store of value and medium of exchange (gaudamuz & marden, 2015; p...
22. Assessment of the impact of pos businesses in reducing unemployment rate in asaba
Assessment of the impact of pos businesses in reducing unemployment rate in asaba chapter twoliterature reviewintroductionour focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literature that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of scholars who...
23. Public perception of radio broadcast programmes on health matters: (case study of onitsha residents)
Impact of product quality on customer retention in manufacturing companies in nigeria chapter tworeview of literatureintroductionour focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literature that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of schola...
24. Impact of workplace motivation and commitment on employee efficiency, productivity, and growth
Chapter twoliterature reviewintroductionour focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literature that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of scholars who had previously contributed immensely to similar research. the chapter intends to d...
Chapter oneintroduction 1.1 background of the study decision making is the process of selecting the best solution among alternatives in order to solve problems. a model for practical, effective, strategic decision making and the importance in getting decisions approved, is to understand the practic...
Chapter oneintroduction1.1 background of the studythe nigerian petroleum industry has been confronted by two sapping challenges over the years. the challenges relate to the prevalence of militancy and oil pipeline vandalism in the niger delta.while the former has significantly attenuated in the afte...
27. Impact of planning and forecasting on business organisation
chapter one1.0 introduction1.1 background of the studyevery management’s decision stems from a clear definition of its corporate strategic plans for the entire establishment. nowadays; some business organizations have not fully recognized the tremendous benefits and importance of planning and forec...
28. The effect of leverage on profitability of quoted pharmaceutical firms in nigeria
The effect of leverage on profitability of quoted pharmaceutical firms in nigeria abstract the purpose of this study was to examine the impact of financial leverage on the financial performance of the pharmaceutical companies listed in the nse. the study analyzed the impact of financial leverage o...
29. Effective planning and organizational productivity
Effective planning and organizational productivity table of contents title page approval page dedication acknowledgement table of contents abstract chapter one: introduction 1.1. background of the study 1.2. statement of the problem 1.3. research questions 1.4. objectives of the study 1.5. si...
30. Comparative analysis for the performance of chisco and abc transport companies
Comparative analysis for the performance of chisco and abc transport companies abstract the study takes into account two mass transportation service providers, chisco and abc transport companies. the working systems of these two service providers are compared in terms of the strategic planning,...
Assessing the role of payment gateways in facilitating business transactions in nigeria. (a case study of interswitch webpay)chapter oneintroduction recent development of information and communications technologies including electronic data transfer, internet and world network has caused an increase...