One of the most universal articles used as a source of light and for their aesthetic appeal, which can be used to read, work, in households and industries, and used for prayer at alters, shrines and temples is known as candle. Candle is a round stick of wax with a wig through it, which is lit to give light as it burn. Oxford Advanced learners dictionary Fourth Edition (1989). There are many types of candles based on the production and the composition formulation from which the candle is made (or the materials you use).
Candles can be manufactured in a small scale or larger scale. The small-scale process can be done either at home or laboratory, following while the large-scale process is produced in industrial and companies the scientific and technical process. The method of making a candle product can be quite interesting if done with the knowledge and adequate skills which a student in a higher institution of learning should be able to accomplish.
Candles have accomplished mankind for more than 2000 years. Besides their liturgical relevance, candles were predominantly used as a source of light and in the early history of the candle are the effects to improve its quality. Beeswax candles had been developed by the Romans to such an extent that by approximately the middle of the second century A. D. they could be burnt in a closed room without sooting annoyingly or excessively beeswax candles showed significant advantages when compared to tallow candles. The latter had a rancid odour and smoked and sooted whilst burning.
It was only as late as the mid nineteenth century that steering and paraffin wax offered further high quality raw materials available for the manufacture of candles alongside beeswax. During the same period decisive improvements were made to wicks, in particular the braiding techniques and chemical treatments. So further prerequisites for candles that burnt well were fulfilled and Geothes dream, I know not what you could invent better than candles that burn without smoking.
The myth surrounding the candle remains even today, although numerous and various types of light are available to us since the invention of electric light and its introduction into our daily lives. Candlelight is still associated with a festival laid table, a pleasant coffee morning or idyllic romantic hours spent together. Obviously a candle that burns well and does not soot is a must for enjoying such occasions. Sooting and dripping are the decisive quality criteria of the consumer when judging candles.
Further, the environmental awareness of today the candle as a product with an open flame is naturally drawn into discussions concerning the possible negative effects on humans and nature by potentially harmful substances. Traditional crafmanship, training and the passing down of experience all go together to guarantee the production of high quality candles by specialized candle companies.
The Egyptians formed candles that were made out of beeswax as early as 3000 BC. The day candle holders found in Egypt date back to 400 BC. The Chinese created candles from wahle fat during the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC).
In early china and Japan, tapers were made with wax from insect and seeds, wrapped in paper the word Zhu in Chinese originally meant torch and could have the warring states period (403-221BC), some excavated Bronx wares from that era feature a picket though to hold a candle.
Candles were manufacture in AD-1500 AD, here there is a fish called the evlachonor candle fish, a type of smelt which is found from Oregon to Alaska. During the first century AD, indigenous people from this region used oil from this fish for illumination. By the 18th century, the Chinese designed weights into the sides of candles, as such a candle melted, the weights fell off and made a noise as they fell into a bowl.
In 1750, spermaceti, oil that comes from sperm whale, was used to provide very expensive candles. By 1800, a much cheaper attentive was discovered. Colza oil, derived from Brassica campestris, and similar oil derived from rapeseed, yielded candles that produce clear smokeless flames. The French chemist Michel Eugene Chevrev (1786-1889) and Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) patented stearin, in 1811, like tallow, this was derived from animals, but had no glycerin content. The second patent ever granted by the US (United States) in 1790 for a new method of candle making was Joseph Sampson.
In 1834, Joseph Morgan began to industrialize the production of candles. He invented a machine to manufacture 1,500 per hour from a mould. A chemist called Laurent distile paraffin from schist in 1830. another chemist, Dumes obtained paraffin from coal-tar in 1935. not until 1850 did paraffin became commercially viable when James young filed a patent to produce it from coal. Paraffin could be used to make inexpensive candles of high quality.
The oldest candle manufactures still in existence are Rathbornes Candles, founded in Dulblin in 1488. Excavations at pimply, Italy, discovered several candelabra. Yak butter was used for candles in Tibet in Europe, the earliest surviving candle was discovered near Avigon infrance, from the first century AD. Tallow, fat from cows or sheep became the standard materials used in candles in Europe.
Dating from about 1330, the wax chandlers company acquired its charter in 1484. by 1415, tallow candles were used in street lighting. The unpleasant smell of tallow candles is due to the glycerin they contain. For churches and royal events, candles from beeswax were used as the smell was usually less unpleasant. The smell of the manufacturing process was so unpleasant that it was banned by ordinance in several cities.
In Rome, they used tallow, derived from suet, a crumbly animal fat to make the candles. Although the tallow was extremely smoky, the smoke was forgiven for light and used for prayer. The first candle mould was believed to come from 15th century in Paris. The first American Colonist discovered that bayberries could be used to make candles, but the yield was very poor. Fiufteen pounds of wax. A simple, candle could be made by putting the dried fish on a forked stick and then lighting it. Candles were made for timekeeping. Anglo-saxon king Alfred the Great (C. 849-899) used a candle clock which burned for 4 hours. There were lines around the side to show the passing of each hour. Later, 24hours candles were invented based on the same concept.
The sung dynasty in china (960-1279) also used candle-clocks. A form of candle-clock was used in coal mining until the twentieth century. Despite advances in candle making, the candle industry was devastated soon after by the distillation of kerosene (an excellent fuel for amps). In Britain, kerosene is known as paraffin oil or paraffin despite having little to do with paraffin wax.
In 1829, William Wilson of prices candles invested in 1000 ores (4km2) of coconut plantation in srilanka. His aim was to make candles from coconut oil. Later he tried palm oil from palm trees. An accidental discovery swept all his ambitions aside when his brother George Wilson distilled the first petroleum oil in 1854.
In 1919, Lever Brothers purchased prices candles and in 1922, a joint owned company called candle Ltd was created. By 1991, the last remaining owner of candle Ltd was shell Oil Company, who sold off the candle making part of business from this point, candles became more of a decorative item.
The primary function of candles is to burn and emit light and, in some cases, a scent. They come in an array of colors, styles, sizes, and scents. Votive candles were originally designed for religious purposes, but they eventually expanded into home use. Container candles are exactly as the name implies. The wax is held in a glass, pottery, or other type of decorative container.
Tea candles are tiny, cylinder-shaped candles that are confined to small, metal containers. Pillar candles, on the other hand, are tall, free-standing candles that are favored by interior decorators because they have an elegant look that is perfect for an elegant, luxurious setting. Taper candles are the long, skinny candles that are used to decorate table tops and create romantic ambiance in restaurants or at home.
Votive Candles
VOTIVE CANDLE: are free-standing candles that are typically no more than 2 inches tall and 1.5 inches wide. Once used exclusively for religious purposes, these petite candles have branched out into the home decor market. There are literally thousands of colors and scents for buyers to explore. Although they can be left alone to burn, buyers are advised to place votive candles in candle holders to avoid wax drippings.
Container Candles
CONTAINER CANDLE: are made from pouring wax into specially made containers. They make an easy, attractive addition to centerpieces, mantels, coffee tables, and kitchen counters. Like votive candles, they are manufactured in an infinite array of colors and scents, but unlike votive candles, container candles do not require candle holders. Glass, pottery, ceramic, and tin are just a few of the materials that are used to create containers for these candles. Some containers may even be on the funky side, such as containers shaped like coconut shells for a tropical look.
Tea Candles
TEA CANDLES: are miniature container candles. Even smaller than votive candles, tea candles are the least expensive candles on the market. Their simple containers are typically made from aluminum or polycarbonate. Although they are available in many different colors, tea candles are usually not scented. They are typically placed in ornate holders or used with oil warmers.. Seasonal candle holders pair nicely with tea candles for a festive touch.
Pillar Candles
PILLAR CANDLES: are similar to votive candles in that they are both free standing, but pillar candles are usually much larger and more ornate. They have a hard outer shell that helps the candles maintain their shape when they are burned, and they are available in numerous shapes, sizes, and colors. Pillar candle arrangements add a stylish touch when placed in non-functioning fireplaces, or they can be placed on candle stands or in decorative holders for a striking, sophisticated look.
Taper Candles
TAPER CANDLES: are the long, pointed candles that are often seen in fancy or romantic restaurants. They range from 6 inches to 20 inches in length, and they are often sold in pairs with a single wick connecting the two candles. Taper candles are rarely scented, but they come in many colors and designs. Some tapers may even be spiraled or have delicate, embossed patterns on them. A specially made candle holder is required to hold these candles upright.
Candles are made up of one or more wicks surrounded by solid materials, the wax which can be burnt. The term wax covers a variety of different [product of minerals, animal or vegetable origin which have a number of common physical properties. The main burning materials used are paraffin wax, beeswax and stearin. Hardened waxes are increasingly used in the production of candles to justify claims of natural and renewable.
PARAFFIN WAX: paraffin wax is a complex composition of hydrocarbons, which are solid at room temperature and have a wax like consistency. It is being derived from mineral oil, paraffin waxes can also be produced by Fisher-Tropsch-Synthesis. Paraffin waxes used in candle production today are mainly derived from the fossil fuel crude oil. In the distillation of mineral oils different distillation factors are separated, according to their various boiling points, from which slack waxes are obtained. With the aid of a sophisticated sequence of production steps: filtration, de-oiling, hydrogenation-they are processed to form highly refined paraffin waxes by dr. Michael Matthai and Dr. Norbert Petereit (2004).
These refined paraffin waxes are subject to constant quality controls and are toxicologically harmful. Their environmentally compatible properties are characterized by biodegradability as well as the lack of eco-toxic and bio-accumulating properties. Paraffin waxes usable in the production of candles congeal between 450C and 700C and also important differentiating criteria are hardness, oil content and viscosity. Due to their chemical and physical properties paraffin waxes are suitable for all candle-manufacturing processes.
BEES WAX: Beeswax is the oldest known raw materials for candle, is a metabolic product of the honeybee. The wax is excluded from glands on the abdomen of the workers bees and used to make the honeycomb. The wax acquires its colour and pleasant smell over a period of time though contact with honey and pollen. The availability of this raw material is naturally limited.
Beeswax is a mixture of:
700C esters of long chain wax alcohols (C24-C44) with carbon acids (C16/C18).
13-18% hydrocarbons (C25-C35)
10-15% free wax acids (C24-C32)
1% free wax alcohols (C34-C36)
The melting point of beeswax is about 650C. Other characteristics are the acid value (17-24mg kOH/g), the saponification value (87-104mg KOH/g) and the ester value (70-80mg KOH/g). Its colour ranges from yellow, light and dark green through red/yellow to dark brown. Viewed in cross section it has it highly malleable and has a good degree of plasticity and is sticky when warmed. Natural beeswax contains a number of impurities, which are removed by various purification methods. It is then usually bleached using Fullers Earth or hydrogen peroxide. The colour and smell are partially lost in this process; colour and fragrance are added to the highly purified beeswax again for consumer reasons. Bleached beeswax is used for alter candles. It is also used as a blending component for wax compositions and, due to its malleability for the production of wax slabs used for decorative purposes e.g. flowers, ribbons and other ornaments. Proposed by Dr. M. Matthais and Dr. N. Petereit (2004).
STEARIN: Stearin (Greek steer-talcum) is in normal conditions, a solid crystalline blend of various fatty acids mainly made up of palmitic acid and stearic acid although it has wax like properties it is not normally categorized as a wax. The base products for the production of stearin are animal resp. vegetable fats and oils, whereby palm oil is the main vegetable raw materials. Animal raw materials are mainly beef and pork tallow. Fish oil fish fat is seldom used. Candle producers usually use vegetable based stearic acids. Fatty acids are bound to glycerin. These triglycerides are continuously split into fatty acids and glycerines in the presence of water. After the glycerin content has been removed, the cracked acids undergo the process steps of separation, hydrogenation, and fractionated distillation and are then mixed to different technical stearin blends, which are ratio of palmitic acid to stearic acid.
A special characteristic of stearin is that the softening and melting points are almost identical and make it to have excellent temperature stability of stearin candles, while paraffin waxes are approximately 150C apart. The congealing point of stearin is within the range of 520C to 600C. further important characteristics are those for acid, saponification and iodine value as well as the percentage of unsaponifiable matter. By Dr. Michael Mattiah and Dr. Norbert Petereit (2004).
HARDENED FATS: natural fats and oils are made up of blends of triglycerides with different fatty acids. The length of the chain and the degree of saturation (saturated, mono, or polyunsaturated) these fatty acids are either solid, semi solid or oily substances.
Tallow was used in very early times for the production of candles that lead to poor quality candles (smoking, dripping, with an unpleasant odour). That is why tallow was quickly superseded by paraffin wax and stearin in the middle of 19th century. But further technological development of reprocessing procedures for tallow has improved today.
The typical characteristics for the fats are the congealing resp. melting points, the saponification number, the iodine number as well as the hardness and viscosity. Due to their superior ability to bind fragrances hardened fats are especially suitable for highly perfumed jar candles by M. Mattiah and N. Petereit (2004).
ADDITIVES: As well as the above mentioned main raw materials (which are substances added in small amounts in the production of candles). Examples are carnauba wax, montan wax, colours, lacquers and fragrances. By M. Matthias and N. Petereit (2004).
WICKS: In addition to the raw materials and additives the wick is often referred to as the soul of the candle, plays a central role when regarding candle quality. The wick regulates the melting, absorption, evaporation and burning of the fuel used. By M. Mattiahs and N. Petereit (2004).
The study deals with the necessary materials used in the production of candle are relates to candle compositions having non-hydrogenated oil and a process for making a candle composition having non hydrogenated oil. (Patent does 2008). The things composed in the candle composition are as follows:
Paraffin wax has been traditionally used in making candle wax, which conventionally comprises 80 to 100% paraffin wax. It comes in various grades and melting points and is predominantly composed of fully saturated long chain hydrocarbons. It is widely used in the candle industry, paraffin wax has a long cooling rate and is subject to pitting and bubbles arising during the candle manufacturing process.
Some manufacturers in the candle industry have started using vegetable oil as a main ingredient of wax for candle production. Vegetable oil is usually liquid of room temperature, thus if needed to be modified (changed) so that it can turn into solid form wax at room temperature. One way of doing this is to hydrogenate atoms to the double bonds of the fatty acid in the molecule of oil so as to increase the melting point of the triglyceride. The melting point rises as the oil is saturated and the double bonds eliminated. Another way to modify the liquid vegetable oil into solid form wax is to convert the unsaturated cis-fats into trans unsaturated trans fats: unsaturated trans have higher melting point and are in solid form at normal room temperature. Conversely, the unsaturated cis fats usually have lower melting point and will be in liquid form even at or below 00C. during the vegetable oil hydrogenation process, some of the cis-form triglyceride converts to transform at the high temperature and with the addition of the catalyst of Nickel or noble metal salts. The trans form vegetable oil contributes partially to the solidifying of partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
The main constituent of vegetable oil is trighycerid, which is essentially a glyceride in which the glycerol is esterified with three fatty acids. The chemical formula of triglyceride is CH2COOR-CHCOOR-CH2-CHOOR, wherein R, R1 and R11 are long alkyl chains and the three fatty acids RCOOH, RCOOH and R11COOH may all vary. There is also a way to solidify non-hydrogenated oils into a solid candle composition, without consuming significant energy and without using hydrogenated or converting unsaturated cis-fats into saturated trans-fats.
According to (Patentdoc 2008) a candle composition is provided comprising of non-hydrogenated oil and long chain hydrocarbon and its derivatives. Examples of long chain hydrocarbons include beeswax, synthetic hydrocarbons, paraffin and petroleum as well as other long chain hydrocarbons known to a person skilled in the art. The long chain hydrocarbon derivative is preferably a wax 20 or more carbon atoms, and even more preferably an oxidized paraffin wax.
Another aspect of a candle composition is made by having non hydrogenated oil and a solidifying amount of congealing reagent. The congealing reagent solidifies the non hydrogenated oil for use in candle compositions. The non hydrogenated oils are preferably vegetable oils for acceptable non hydrogenated oils include soy oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, cotton seed oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, linseed oil and flax seed oil. Another aspect of a candle composition is also made by having paraffin, non hydrogenated oil and a solidifying the amount of a congealing reagent. The congealing reagent is preferably a natural based long chain ester, petrolatum, oxidized petrolatum, oxidized long chain hydrocarbons, modified hydrocarbon derivatives or beeswax, and high melting point petrolatum. The congealing reagent may also be long chain hydrocarbon derivatives with functional groups such as hydroxyl (-OH), carboxyl (-COOH), acyl (RCO-), aldehyde (-CHO), Phenzyl, Cycloalkane on one or two ends.
Such long chain hydrocarbon congealing reagents can strongly attract liquid triglyceride molecules (vegetable oil) and turn in the liquid form vegetable oil into a creamy/solid substance. The further addition of congealing boosters such as high melting point paraffin and high melting point (highlysalturated) fats/triglycerides will allow the formation of a uniform solid solutions (wax base), which will remain solid at temperature around 420C to 540C and are used in candle applications.
Preferably, the non-hydrogenated oil used has an iodine value in the range of 77-178, and a melting point of at least 50C or lower. A further aspect of a candle composition is also made by having non-hydrogenated oil by weight 1%-95%, synthesis hydrocarbon or paraffin wax of 0-65%, congealing reagent of 1-20% and a polymer of 0-15%. The polymer functions as a sweat controlling reagent and is usually added for high lead fragrance jar candles. The polymer used may include polyboost 165-polyboost 130 (from 5.5 chemical), xybar 260 (from baker Hughes). The mixture is heated to 80-900C, and stirred together unity completely melted and the melted mixture is brought to a temperature of 75-800C. The mixture is then cooled and poured into a candle container. A preservative may also be added since a high percentage of food grade ingredients of wax can be easily contaminated.
The following are example of candle composition produced:
This example is a candle composition formed mainly from olive oil and 100% natural ingredients. The ingredients are: cool pressed pure extra virgin olive oil 64% palm wax 30% and beeswax 6%.
Step 1: To make this candle, these three ingredients (olive oil, palm wax) are weighed and place into a batch tank.
Step 2: Heat the batch tank in a hot wax bath (or hot water bath) at a temperature of 80-900C. Alternatively, one could melt the beeswax first at a high temperature and then bring the temperature to 80-900C and add the remaining ingredients. Stir all ingredients until completely melted and set the melted mixture to 75-800C. The mixture will be a dark green colour. It is important to prevent the mixture from reaching temperatures greater than 900C or from being heated continuously to 10hrs or longer.
Step 3: Prepare the candle containers with wick and wick sustainer if needed (the size and type of wick may depend on the size of the candle). Heat the container to about 400C (using a heating element) and pour the proper amount of melted mixture into the candle container.
Step 4: Cool candle with fan for about 30-120 minutes (depending on the size of the candle and the cooling temperature).
Step 5: Fix wick so that wick is in the centre.
Step 6: Heat the candle surface to ensure it is flat and cosmetically appealing.
Step 7: Let the candle completely cool without fan for another 30-120 minutes.
Step 8: Clean up the outside part of the candle, apply labels, tags and lid/cover.
Step 9: Store the candle at normal room temperature (15-350C). avoid extreme cold and hot temperature.
This example is a candle composition formed mainly from olive oil and paraffin blend. The ingredients are cool pressed pure extra virgin olive oil 82% fully refined paraffin 10% high melting petrolatum 7% polyboost 165:1%.
Step 1: place all ingredients into a batch container or tank.
Step 2: Heat batch tank in the hot wax bath of the temperature of 80-900C. Stir until all ingredients are melted and set the mixture to reach a temperature of 75-800C. the temperature of the mixture should not go above 900C or be heated for 10 hrs or longer.
Step 3: Prepare the candle container with wick and wick sustainer is needed. Heat the container to about 400C, the pour the proper amount of melted mixture into the candle container.
Step 4: Cool candle with fans for about 30-120 minutes.
Step 5: Fix the wick to ensure wick is in centre of candle.
Step 6: Heat the candle surface to ensure is flat one could also refill the candle to ensure the candle surface is flat.
Step 7:let candle completely cool with or without fan for another 30-120 minutes. Step 8: clean up the outside part of the candle, apply labels, tags and lid/cover.
Step 9: Store the candle in normal room temperature (15-350c) avoids extreme cold and hot temperature.
This example is a candle composition formed mainly from grape seed oil and synthetic hydrocarbon. The ingredients are: pure grapes seed oil 66.5%, EP858 synthetic hydrocarbon 28%, high melting point petrolatum 5% polyboost 165:0.5%.
Step 1: Place appropriate portions of ingredients into batch tank.
Step 2: Heat the batch tank in a hot wax bath at a temperature of 80-900c. stir until all ingredient are melted and let the mixture reach a temperature of 75-800c. The temperature of the mixture should not go above 900c, or heated for 10 hrs or longer.
Step 3: Prepare the candle container with wick and wick sustainer if needed. Heat the container to about 400c if the candle container is clear glass (for the first jar and non transparent container, no need to heat before pouring), then pour the proper amount of melted mixture into the candle container.
Step 4: Cool candle with fans for about 30-120 minutes.
Step 5: fix the wick to ensure wick is in centre of candle.
Step 6: Heat the candle surface to ensure the composition is flat, and if needed apply a second fill to ensure flat surface.
Step 7: Let candle completely cool with or without fan for another 30-120 minutes.
Step 8: clean up the outside part of the candle, apply labels, tags and lid. cover.
Step 9: store the candle in normal room temperature (15-350c) avoid extreme cold and hot temperatures.
This example is a candle composition formed mainly from soybean oil and hydrocarbon blend. The ingredients are degummed soybean oil 55%, synthesis hydrocarbon 40% and high melting point petrolatum 5%.
Step 1: Place the appropriate portions of all the ingredient s into a batch tank
Step 2: Heat the batch tank to a temperature of 80-900c, stir until all ingredients melt and the mixture reaches a temperature of 75-800C. The colour of the mixture will be a light brown, however, organic dyes can be added to change the colour. Fragrance can also be added.
Step 3: Prepare the candle container with wick and wick sustainer. Heat the container to about 400C, if the candle container is clear glass, then pour the proper amount of the melted mixture into the candle container.
Step 4: Cool candle with fans for about 30-120 minutes
Step 5: Fix the wick to ensure it is in the centre of the candle.
Step 6: Heat the candle surface to ensure it is flat or apply a 2nd fill when the temperature is 400C and lower.
Step 7: Let candle cool with or without fan for another 30-120 minutes.
Step 8: Clean up the outside part of the candle, apply labels tags and lid/cover.
Step 9: Store the candle in normal room temperature (15-350C). avoid extreme cold and hot temperatures.
This example is a candle composition formed mainly from canola oil, palm fat and paraffin in blend. The ingredients are canola oil 43.5%, palm fat (powder) 18% lower melting point paraffin 33% high melting point petrolatum 5%, and polyboost 165, 0.5%.
Step 1: Place the appropriate portions of all the above ingredients into a batch tank.
Step 2: Heat the batch tank to a temperature of 80-900C stir until all ingredients melt and the mixture reaches 75-800C fragrances and colour dyes may be added.
Step 3: Prepared the candle container with wick and wick sustainer if needed, then pour the proper amount of the melted mixture into the candle container.
Step 4: Cool candle with fans for about 30-120 minutes.
Step 5: fix the wick to ensure it is in the centre of the candle.
Step 6: Heat the candle surface to ensure it is flat or apply a second fill when the temperature is 400C and lower.
Step 7: Let candle cool with or without fan for about 30-60 minutes.
Step 8: Clean up the outside part of the candle; apply label, tags and lid/cover.
Step 9: Store the candle in normal room temperature (15-350C). Avoid extreme cold and hot temperature.
This example is a candle composition mainly having sunflowers seed oil and paraffin blend. The ingredients are: Pure sunflower seed oil 57%, fatty refined paraffin 38% and high melting point petrolatum 5%.
Step 1: Place the appropriate portions of all the above ingredients into a batch tank.
Step 2: Heat the batch tank to a temperature of 80-900C, stir until all ingredients melts, fragrances and colour dyes may be added.
Step 3: Prepare the candle container with wick sustainer if needed, then pour the proper amount of the melted mixture into the candle container.
Step 4: Cool candle with fans for about 30-120 minutes
Step 5: Fix wick to ensure it is at the centre of the candle.
Step 6: Heat the candle surface to ensure it is flat or apply a 2nd fill when the temperature is 400C and lower.
Step 7: Let candle cool with or without fan for about 30-60 minutes
Step 8: Clean up the outside part of the candle; apply label, tags and lid/cover.
Step 9: Store the candle in normal room temperature (15-350C). Avoid extreme cold or hot temperature
This example is a candle composition mainly having safflower seed oil and synthetic hydrocarbon blend. The ingredients are: pure safflower oil 59.5%, EP858 synthetic hydrocarbon 35% high melting point petrolatum 5% and polyboost 165, 0.5%.
Step 1: Place the appropriate portions of all the above ingredients into a batch tank.
Step 2: Heat the batch tank to a temperature of 80-900C; stir until all the ingredients melt. Fragrances and odour dyes may be added.
Step 3: Prepare the candle container with wick and wick sustainer if needed, the pour the proper amount of melt wax into the candle container.
Step 4: Cool candle with fans for about 30-120 minutes.
Step 5: Fix the wick to ensure it is in the centre of the candle.
Step 6: Heat the candle surface to ensure it is flat or apply a 2nd fill when the temperature is 400C and lower.
Step 7: Let candle cool with or without fan for about 30-60 minutes.
Step 8: Clean up the outside part of the candle, apply labels, tags and lid/cover.
Step 9: Store the candle in normal room temperature (15-350C). Avoid extreme cold and hot temperatures.
This example is a composition for a citronella ratio candle, and is mainly composed of recycle liquid oil from fast food restaurants and paraffin wax blend. The ingredients are: recycled liquid form oil from fast food restaurant 60%, saturated fallow 14%, high melting paraffin wax 20%, high melting point petrolatum 1% and citronella fragrances oil 5%.
Step 1: Place the appropriate portion of all the above ingredients, except the citronella fragrance oil, into a bitch tank.
Step 2: Heat the batch tank to a temperature of 80-900C, stir until all ingredients melt. Add citronella fragrance oil and any colour dyes, if necessary.
Step 3: Prepare the citronella patio candle bucket and pour the proper amount of melted mixture into the candle bucket.
Step 4: Cool candle with fans for about 60-120 minutes
Step 5: Insert the wick and ensure it is in the centre
Step 6: Apply a 2nd fill when the temperature of the candle is 400C or lower, if required to ensure candle surface is flat.
Step 7: Let candle cool with or without fan for another 60-70 minutes.
Step 8: Clean up the outside part of the candle apply label, tags and lid/cover.
Step 9: Store the candle in normal room temperature (15-350C) Avoid extreme hot temperature by patentdocs (2008).