Design And Implementation Of A Software For Examination Supervision Scheduling For An Institution Of Higher Learning




This chapter presents a review of the related literature and a detail of the existing system of exam supervision preparation. Subsequent analysis of the current system is formed by an overview of the academic programs MAGDATA SYNOD (1998). The developed world has built up a society which is totally dependent on computer; we can no longer turn off the machine. History cannot be reversed on great opportunity that is headed for society and professionals in the computing and information processing field. Expanded market great opportunity, corporate growth and increased government activity provides the computer professionals and society with new existing challenges each day. It is important for all of us to understand these forces that affect one’s life and to learn how we can constructively put ourselves through.

The emphasis in this project is on the use of computer to computer and post lecturers to their various supervision halls and grade student exams. Students who have successfully computed their secondary school carrier are admitted into higher institutions following their success in the basic subject requirements in the senior secondary school certificate exam (SSCE). Before the examination results are produced, the lecturers set the exam and send to the HOD’s who then take them to the exams department. The exam’s department prepares supervision scheduling for all the course for each department and the halls where the exams should be written including the lecturers to supervise each hall. After supervision, the scripts are sent to the lecturers who then sends the marked script or the scores for each course to the HODs who then send them to the exams department, this department produces results sheet and student’s statement of result.

Ednono (200) computer are perhaps the most useful and versatile tools ever invented. They are used to carryout different types of task more conveniently and effectively. We all know that they are needed in our lives and everyday activities from all directions. Manufacturing and marketing firms use them to keep track of inventory. Bank manager handles system; they are used to educational institution for registration, grading and other record keeping functions.

They seem to affect our lives in numerable ways. They are used by different organizations for everyday decisions. Computers has a board range of uses in business including inventory control, payroll income tax account, receivable and account payable pensions profit and sharing funds calculations.

Ken micro-processor is embedded in cameras, accurate internal pictures of the body through the use of CAT (Computer Axial Tomography) trend that is extending the scope.

A session has two semesters. Course offered by each student in each semester depends on his or her departmental course as well as borrowed course. Each department offers a minimum of six courses and a maximum of eleven courses. Quiz and exam are conducted within each semester. The quizzed are conducted during the quiz week. There is a minimum of two quizzes and each carries 20%. The quiz carries a total of 40% for each course. Also, exams are conducted towards the end of each semester and it carries a total of 60% for each course. The quiz and exams are conducted to test students’ knowledge based on their course of study. At the end of the exam supervision, the supervisor collects the registration numbers of the mal-practice victims and their malpractice forms, the scripts of all the students that partook of the exam are also arranged and parked properly according to department.