The emergence of the knowledge society poses new requirements for education and training: the knowledge-based economy requires a flexible, very well-trained workforce; and the citizens of the information society need to be continuously (re)trained in order to remain competitive within this workforce and to fully exploit the learning opportunities offered by the knowledge society for their personal development, fulfillment and enjoyment (Brown, H.T., 2005). The rapid evolution of learning technologies – exploiting the respective developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) – create numerous new opportunities for meeting these requirements: web-based learning environments (learning management systems, learning content management systems, etc) deliver life-long education and training applications and services to anyone, anytime, anyplace. However, most of these applications realize a learning model that is rather “traditional” in nature: it is based on the notion of one (or more) tutors, who help learners acquire a specific body of knowledge (through learning material, learning activities, etc), which can be measured through specific assessment methods. Such a model does not fit instances of learning that occur in the process of specific problem solving in the course of everyday life: “When the person’s central concern is a task or decision, he will not be very interested in learning a complete body of subject matter, instead, he will want just the knowledge and skill that will be useful to him in dealing with the particular responsibility of the moment” (ICITACEE).
Mobile learning is usually defined as learning that takes place via wireless devices, such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants, tablet computers, etc. That is, in most definitions encountered in the literature, it is only the employment of specific types of technology that seems to differentiate mobile learning from other forms of learning. However, when considering mobility from the learner’s point of view, it can be argued that mobile learning can take place everywhere: pupils can revise for exams on the bus to school, doctors can update their medical knowledge while on hospital rounds, language students can improve their language skills while traveling abroad. In this context, a definition of mobile learning should therefore be widened to include any sort of learning that happens when the learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location, or learning that happens when the learner takes advantage of the learning opportunities offered by mobile technologies (Keegan, D. 2002). There are a number of reasons which make mobile technologies and devices attractive for learning, including: palmtops are relatively inexpensive, compared with full-sized desktop or laptop computers; they offer the possibility of ubiquitous computing; they facilitate access to information and promote the development of information literacy; they offer the possibility of collaborative learning and independent learning (Keegan D. 2002).
In October 2003, well before the term “smartphone” was used by most of the public, and several years before Apple announced its first iPhone and its iOS, the company Android Inc was founded in Palo Alto, California. Its four founders were Rich Miner, Nick Sears, Chris White, and Andy Rubin.
Android is an open-source mobile operating system that is based on Linux kernel.
It is designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices which include smart phones and tablet computers. Apart from its use in mobile devices, the technology has also been implemented in digital cameras, smart televisions and other electronics appliances. The Android operating system is made up of four main layers which are divided roughly into five sections. These sections are Linux kernel, Libraries, Android runtime, Application framework and Applications.
Mobile learning is developed by using multi platforms, languages, and technologies. Thus, learning can be carried out anywhere, anytime for as long as an institution’s networking system can gain access to the wireless coverage. In this regard, android technology can help realize a mobile learning environment based on the network architecture shown with students gaining fast access to learning contents and materials of their studies by using their mobile phones (Shanmugapriya M. & Tamilarasia, A., 2011).
This approach of learning is highly receptive to students as they are more likely to seek and use learning contents via mobile services rather than to find proprietary courseware that is not easily accessed. Propelled by the growing market of smart phones, M-learning is becoming more acceptable in teaching and learning process as these mobile devices are smart as they claimed to be – customizing their contents according to users’ specific needs. Teaching and learning has become more manageable and diverse as students can perform many learning activities freely and easily, for instance, they can download lectures notes almost instantaneously for lectures that they had missed. Predictably, mobile learning systems based on android technology are poised to dominate the M-learning realm given the rich, appealing multimedia contents such as audio, videos, animations that can be downloaded effortlessly into students’ mobile devices.
Mobile learning is a form of digital learning which can be applied for teaching and learning purposes where some educational experts view it as a subset of e-learning but with a subtle difference—contents are delivered onto mobile devices rather than the ubiquitous desktop personal computers.
Teaching and learning by using android platform can be easily implemented without heavy computing investment. There are several factors that make mobile computing as an appealing platform. First, android operating system to run the mobile devices is conveniently and freely available, thus making installation a simple, neat process.
A statistical analysis of the implementation of the system shows that students using MMLS to assist their learning had improved results on their final exams and gave a higher evaluation of the curriculum than those who did not. The advantages and disadvantages of MMLS are also analyzed (M. L. Crescente and D. Lee, 2011).
Course learning material or courseware is an educational material intended a kit for teachers or trainers or as tutorials for students, usually packaged for use with a computer or mobile device.
Courseware consist of lecture notes, supplementary reading or exercises, and links to other sites or software.Learning materials are the aids used by the learner/trainee to help him/her learn effectively. Both teaching and learning materials can be big or small.
Learning materials can support procedural objectives (procedural knowledge, skills and disciplines) as objectives leading to the development of concepts and declarative knowledge. More modern views of learning, including the learning of science, which follow the socio-constructivist approach, emphasizethe role both of written and oral communication in the construction of meaning. Here, too, computers may help greatly. Yet communication is just one of the roles that a computer can play in lessons. In rough terms four functions have been defined, and a computer with the relevant programmes should have these in the learning process (Murphy 2003): as a tool, as a source of data, as a means of communication and as an aid in research.
2.7.1 Student Learning Support:
Learning materials are important because they can significantly increase student achievement by supporting student learning. For example, a worksheet may provide a student with important opportunities to practice a new skill gained in class. This process aids in the learning process by allowing the student to explore the knowledge independently as well as providing repetition. Learning materials, regardless of what kind, all have some function in student learning.
2.7.2 Lesson Structure:
Learning materials can also add important structure to lesson planning and the delivery of instruction. Particularly in lower grades, learning materials act as a guide for both the teacher and student in that they offer a valuable routine.
2.7.3 Differentiation of Instruction:
Instructional differentiation is also a part of the learning experience in the classroom. The learning materials differentiate according to the types of learning styles. Differentiation of instruction is the tailoring of lessons and instruction to the different learning styles and capacities within your classroom. Learning materials such as worksheets, group activity instructions, games, or homework assignments all allow you to modify assignments to best activate each individual student's learning style.
2.7.4 Acquiring Teaching Materials:
Attaining teaching materials is not difficult. There are plenty of instructional resources to support lesson planning and teaching. The Internet has many resources for teachers, most of them free that can significantly increase the contents of your teaching toolbox. You can also make your own materials. Every learning material you develop will be an asset to you when you next teach a similar unit. An investment of time or money in good teaching materials is an investment in good teaching.