In review, many educational activities have shows that male’s performance better in different aspect of learning and other life Endeavour. Researchers have been conducted from various field and recorded as saying males attended schools / institutions and even perform better than their female counterparts.
National summary of primary and post primary school statistics (2005-2014) has shown that more males attended schools than that of females. And, also this may lead to female students to become backward in studying computer science as the “key necessary in locking a majority of important career opportunities available for our most intelligent and academically able students” (Rekdal 1984).
Ebonyi State Education Resource Centre (ERC) 2006 recorded: Males Students attended school more than female students in the state. Junior Secondary School Students distribution according to zones for the state junior Secondary Certificate Examination in to Senior Secondary School {2006} revealed that out of the sum of 36,282 pupils 21,482 were males while 9,758 were females. This clearly shows that males performed better since from the first stage in attending schooling. Muktar, B. and Iliyasu (2006)” revealed that male student performed higher than that of female students in computer science Achievement test.” Ike (1976) commenting on the poor performance of candidates in the 1976 West African School Certificate Examination observed that out of the 92,000 candidates who sat for the examination, 21,000 offered Science subject and only 30% qualified for the statement of result. He further expressed his dissatisfaction in the general performance particularly in Science and computer science. However, he failed to indicate some of the possible factors that might be responsible for that enrolment of males are higher than females in WAEC technical subjects 1986 – 1988. His analysis has shown that out of 24,226 students, males students were 22,385 and 1,841 students were females. Rukayyatu in Komolofe (1996) revealed that from (1987 – 1988), 1, 770,783 students were males and 807,711 students were females sat for WAEC Science and computer science. However, this analysis shows that males participated in Science and computer science more than females. Also enrolment in AsicoKauranNamoda from (2005 - 2006) the collage graduated students out of 286 students 225 students were male while only 61 students were females. National Youth Service Corps Deployment from ( 2005-2014), the total Corps was 951,402 members, but 540,611 were males while 410,791 were females, this analysis indicates that still males are far educationally than their females’ counterparts.
Ben bow and Stanley’s (1982) study of adolescents in the study of mathematically precious youth (SMPY) concluded that males significant out performed females on the college Boards scholastic aptitude test in Mathematical part (SAT-m). More recent studies concerning gender different in quantitative performance are mixed. Man reported that gender gap is narrowing (Brophy, 1985, Freidman, 1989, Marsh, 1989, Hoys and Slate, 1993), while other reported not only that males consistently out-perform females at the highest end of the computer science ability continuously.
Muhammad, et al (2009) in Familokum, (1982), in his comparative studies of the academic achievement in computer science and chemistry students of the two Federal Government College in Kano State showed that boys were higher achiever in both the two subjects than girls of the same school. However, the uniformity or otherwise of the environment in which the study was carried out not highlighted. Nwagwu, (1977) in his studies of sex difference in computer science achievement and attitude in secondary schools in Ebonyi State, took a cross section data of 400 random sample comprising of 200 males and 200 females of final year student of nine secondary schools in Ebonyi State. He obtained information on computer science achievement and attitude toward learning of computer science the determining thelevel of significance between the different of mean of the score of the males and the females in an achievement test as well as attitude test. He concluded that males performed better than females. Moir (1989 p.7) in her book titled: “Brain Sex” ungues that there is sample genetic that the brain of men and women are formed differently in the womb and therefore they have difference and aptitudes. They process information in different ways, which results in different perception priorities and behavior. She was indeed unable to explain how the difference in performance of males at all level of education system in much better than that of females.
Muhammad et al (1990), Wamulwanye (1987) reported that in Zambia science, Technology and computer science courses are tough compulsorily at primary school level but regrettably boys are encouraged to go for home economics. This research could not show whether these encouragements affects the proportion of female in science, Technology and computer science either positively or negatively.
Cole (1988 p.25) revealed that some of the difference in performance and careers of boys and girls. They used report from the science monitoring group London of the assessment of performance unit (APU) to show the significance difference in mathematical concepts where boys found to consistently performed better than girls. The result shows that boys have greater opportunity of accumulating a working knowledge of machines and of gaining an early familiarity with electricity (in school physics and computer science) in which girls performance are weaker than boys.
Tahir (2001), Nigeria performance on computer science achievement test by gender showed that males achieve higher than their female counterparts. The results showed a mean percent score of 34.18 with a standard deviation of 17.13 for females.
Suleman (2003) in his study of effect of gender on students’ performance in physics towards nation building revealed that: “male students performed significantly better than female (at 0.05 levels). It is obvious from the findings of his study that students’ gender is crucial to their performance in physics.
Ikeatuneye, (1986) revealed that : there are two aptitudes in which more or less consistent sex difference has been observed about puberty and thereafter ,they are in science and computer science. He maintained that it is widely accepted by educationists, teachers and learners them that there are sex difference in various scientific aptitudes for example verbal, numerical abstract among others. These findings were observed that the observable sex different in aptitude and attainment in science and computer science generally in favour of males were real and not artificial.
Parseley, (1964) surveying the evidence of sex difference in problems solving computer science suggest that in both intellectual and perception situation, men tend to be more analytical than women and therefore should do better in science and computer science. Girls performed very less than that of boys in tasks requiring mathematical concepts, Milis (1993).
Blosser (1990) revealed that girls and boys stands of equal in computer science and science performance in schools, they appear to do equally well in both subjects in elementary school, the same girls around the age of twelve drop out of computer science classes, often forever closing the doors of many careers opportunities.
Honigefeld and Dunn (2003) in their study titled: “differences of performance of males and females’ learning” found that their subjects who were from different countries (Bermuda, Brunei, Hungary, New Zealand, and Sweden), differed in their preferences for learning styles, according to their gender type. It was found that females were more self- motivated, persistent and responsible than males, whereas males more kin aesthetic and peer oriented.
When investigating the attitudes towards computer science of 209 6th, 7th and 8th graders enrolled in Brazilian school, Utsumi and Mendes (2000) found that in contradiction to the findings cited in the literature, there were no difference between males’ and females’ attitudes towards computer science. Students’ attitudes might change from positive to less positive as they progress through school.
Lynn, Irwining and Cammock (2001) investigated the difference between 469 females’ and 169 males’ undergraduate students at the university of Ulster in their general knowledge of the following domains: history of science, general science, politics, sports, history, classical music, arts, literature, geography, medicine, games, discovery and exploration, biology, firm, fashion, finance, and popular music. Their results showed that there were significant difference between men and women in 5 out of 17 domains investigated in their study.
Women obtained less than men did in current affairs, physical health and recreation, art and science whereas women had a higher mean in only the family domain. Differences found between the two genders according to the researches were attributed to differences in men’s and women’s interest.
In Benet study (1996) revealed that females tented to estimate their intelligence lower than males did. And then asked to rate their parents’ IQ, both males and females rated their fathers’ IQ both higher than their mothers. Consistent with Benet’s findings, when students enrolled at high institution in Bratain and Singapore were asked to rate their intelligence, male rate their intelligence higher than females did, but when their intelligence was psychometrically measured by using Raven’s test of intelligence, (Farnham and Fong 2000), females scored higher than males. Therefore, these finding show that females had less confidence in their intelligence than that of boys did Maccoby and Jacklin (1975) have shown that on the average, girls have a greater verbal ability than boys. Perhaps, the girls should have an advantage in verbal aptitude as distinct from practical computer science or Scientific.
However, in his study, it was concluded that their verbal ability cannot prevent them from performing better in Science, therefore unjustified.
Leader, (1994) in an attempt to explain some of the possible cause of sex differences in computer science achievers, drew a conclusion that event though contribute to computer science achievement that are other possible factors such as the hypothesis that favor female than males inherit a gene for qualitative reasoning, stereotyping of computer science as whole domain. There are also speculations that females lack encouragement from parent and peers and that there is lack of clearly perceived vocational plan which include the use of computer science for females. The speculation at this juncture was not verified.
However, males and females secondary school WAEC and NECO analysis was observed to look for the performance of each sex. Their school was based on the selected schools respect of their general population in Onicha local government area.
Clearly, many reasons or evidence have shown that females perform less than their male counter parts.
Durojaye, Ajie, and Aiyebusi, (2009) state that: Science, Technology and Engineering are crucial for nation’s Scientific and Technology development, but there is how involvement of females in these fields. They added that one major obstacle to females involvement in Science, Technology and Engineering is the relative performance of female student in computer science, since a good knowledge is fundamental pre-requisites in pursuing career activities in these fields. It is however, therefore females reported prefer better in Science, Technology, Engineering and computer science, while women are mostly found in Humanities and Social Science.
According to Okeke (2000) fact from advocated for women in Science and computer science revealed that girls are as talented as boys in computer science and Science in childhood.
Muhammad , etal, (2009) in their study on negative performance of male and female students in science and their result have showed that there was no significant difference in performance between boys and girls in science as at 1988. But the research failed to include computer science as one of their subjects to be observed. Because they deal with only physics, chemistry subjects in their analysis as a major subject in science and technology.
Sells (1973) called computer science the critical filter which bows female from the higher paying more prestigious occupation. As Rakdal (1984) printed “computer science is a major key necessary in unlocking a majority of important career opportunities available for our most intelligent and academically able students’’.
Zeddacus (1984) reported that, female scientists and engineers as two aspects which depend on high performance in computer science increased 200% between 1972 and 1982; women still represent only 3.5% of 12% of the 225,000 physical scientists. A more recent report by the US Bureau of female scientist and engineers increased 250% between 1982 and 1993, women still represent only 8.6% of all engineers and 30% of all physical scientist. The current 2012 figures from national centre for education statistics, US Department of education, reported dramatics increase in the number of females receiving bachelor and professional degrees in male dominated fields. With exception of health professional, however, the percentage of females is still much lower than that of male (Devis and Rimm 1989).
Amara (1987) during the common wealth Africa Regional Workshop organize on gender stereotyping in Science, Technology and computer science education revealed certain reasons or factors which lead to law enrolment of female in computer science and other related fields. Among the factors was: early marriage, societal and religious factors, among others.
Jeje and Olajoke (2006) international journal of research in education in their study on computer science attitude of male and female students in senior secondary school in Ikole Local Government, Ekiti state. The research was concluded that, male students have more positive attitude computer science then their female student’s counterpart.
However, therefore, vocational education should have a bearing on the environment such as teaching agriculture in rural areas. He further stated that the teaching of Science, Technology in relation to the environment at both primary and post primary levels will enable the females who are currently found predominantly in liberal arts to take advantage of the Federal Science Policy of 60:40 ration of arts discipline in the Universities and go for more Science courses.
Olokun (1977) in his comparative studies of males and female in Science showed the males performed better than females, especially in items involving more application of concept and principles. Therefore, the relationship here is crucial because applying the theories to prove certain claims is very vital computer science interpretation.
According to Smith and Walker (1958) “females perform better than males in the ninth year and eleventh year computer science examination, although, male students had superior performance over their female students in the tenth year computer science”. Fennema (1990), Armston and prince (1992) opines that “there are some numerous cognitive, societal, religious, educational and cultural factors that might have affected girls performance in computer science based on the statistical and discovered that, males performs was relatively higher than that of female”. (UBE 2001).
Enrolment of male and female 1986 – 1988, as in that period out of their total sat for WAEC the percentage of males is higher than that of females.
Murphy (1992) indicated that “of women are consistently falling behind men in student-test performance because they have not taken as many of the challenging courses available to them in high school; we are creating a cycle that is self- perpetuating, and ultimate defeating”. Therefore, females who did not go to computer science class will not have chance to become scientifically and technologically educated.
Odegbesan (1980) is of the opinion that some the following factors are responsible for the different participation rates of male and female students in technical programme:
Socio-cultural factors segregate jobs into what men can do and these women can do.
Female prefer jobs that are less arduous than those in the technical fields.
Male students are more interested in technical education courses than female students.
Entry qualification into technical courses required credit in computer science which female usually do not have in their SSCE results.
Unjustified criticism from their male colleagues.
Absence of female models.
Negative attitude of female students themselves.
Blosser (1990) observes that a considerable proportion of girls in secondary school “play doom” in their computer science classes because of its inconsistency with their self-concept. Poor self-esteem through interest is a major requirement for a good performance in any subject; female students lose interest in computer science due to decline in self – esteem (Schwartz 1992).Poor expectation of girls’ performance as stated by Conner (2001), the following set of statement by a computer science and Science teacher reading out the result of this term test is common among classes. Marries Kiarie, 37% you already wield during the test John Simiyu, 73% hey, my friend. This is not enough you must really work harder next term. This kind of scenario shows that teacher generally low expectation girls’ ability to perform in computer science and Science.
Muhammad, et al (1990), many teachers including female teachers, despite much lip service to equality of girls and boys, do not believe that girls have ability to perform well in computer science and Science. Among many women who succeeded in computer science and Science there is story believe that teachers actively discourage girls from studying these discipline.
Boys and girls have similar computer science and Science proficiency scores at age of 9, because, as the computer science proficiency of both females and males 9 year old has increased since the early 1970s, the gap in scores that previously favored girls has disappeared. Between 1973 and 1994, the average computer science proficiency of both 9- year old girls and boys increased (10 and 14 points, respectively). In 1994, there was no measurable difference in the computer science proficiency of female and male 9 year olds.
Loori and Ali (2005) in their comparative study between preference of males and females reported the difference in intelligence preference of males and females students learning English as a second language at higher institution in the United States of America. The study result indicated there were significance differences between males and females preferences in intelligence. Males preferred learning activities including logical and Mathematical intelligences, whereas females preferred learning activities involving inter personal intelligence.
By implication, the literature review showed both male and female students are expected to be taught the fact and concept of computer science clearly and properly before administering test or any examination to them which will help in eliminating or reducing mass failure of males and females in both junior and senior secondary school computer science. There to achieve more quality and quantitative and equality in males and females performance, teacher and students are expected to have adequate interaction in teaching and learning process. Teachers are to use appropriate instructional materials when teaching the fact and concept. Also, students are expected to have respect for their teachers and ambition to learn with intention to bring development to the country. It also highlighted some factors responsible for lowering female students in learning computer science. It also shows various differences which due to ways the instructors / teachers attitude towards computer science, the performance of students from various zones and discover that they varies in learning computer science. But, to overcome such problem of imbalance between males and females is to treat them equally in the subject area.