2.1 1Literature:
From the late nineteenth century through the middle of the twentieth century, DC-to-AC power conversion was done using rotary cons converters or motor-generator sets (MG sets). In the early twentieth century, vacuum tubes and gas filled tubes began to be used as switches in inverter circuits. The most widely used type of tube was the thyratron. A thyratron is a type of gas-tilled tube used as a high-power electrical switch and controlled rectifier. In the 1920, thyratrons were derived from early vacuum tubes such as the UV-200, which contained a small amount of argon gas to increase its sensitivity as a radio signal detector
The origins of electromechanical inverters explain the source of the term inverter. Early AC-to-DC converters used an induction or synchronous AC motor direct-connected to a generator (dynamo) so that the generators commutator reversed its connections at exactly the right moments to produce DC. A later development is the synchronous converter, in which the motor and generator windings are combined into one armature, with slip rings at one end and a commutator at the other and only one field frame. The result with either is AC-in. DC-out. With an M-G sel the DC can be considered to be separately generated from the AC: with a synchronous converter, in a certain sense it can be considered to be mechanically rectified AC. Given the right auxiliary and control equipment, an M-G set or rotary converter can be “run backwards,” converting DC to AC. Hence an inserter is an inverted converter. Since early transistors were not available with sufficient voltage and current ratings for most inverter applications, it was the 1957 introduction of the thyristor or silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) that initiated the transition to solid state inverter circuits. A commutator is the moving pan of a rotary electrical switch in certain types of electric motors and electrical generators that periodically reverses the current direction between the rotor and the external circuit. It consists of a cylinder composed of multiple metal contact segments on the rotating armature of the machine. Two or more stationary electrical contacts called ‘brushes mode of a soft conductor like carbon press against the commutator, making sliding contact with successive segments of the commutator as it rotates. The windings (coils of wire) on the armature are connected to the commutator segments.
2.2 Review:
In this section we are going to look towards the review which is a self contained unit and ends in itself or a preface to and rationale for engaging in primary research. A review is a required part of any project and research work
we have got all the material and the information from the internet and few reference books given in chapter 4 of this report. The research work has been done via various websites on G000LE. As per the requirement of the review this section will include only the information about the research work done by the performer of the project. A small review does not indicate that the research done was insufficient. Here as we are going to in the upcoming topics the calculations which are made in the section of problem statement are the result of deep research work. One cannot get this result unless and until the person goes deep into that topic and dedicates his whole and soul.
Generally, the purpose of a review is to analyze critically a segment of a published body of knowledge through summary, classification, and comparison of prior research studies, reviews of literature, and theoretical articles. The project work can hence be classified into two pails. The first part is the research work done and the next is the implementation of the project. As compared to the large inverters which provide very large output for the working of high load devices this inverter can be used to run a simple l0w bulb or charge any small battery. Also this project work is less costly as compared to those inverters which may cost thousands of rupees. The only limitation of this project is that the output delivered is very less otherwise the project is better than the other projects of large inverter circuits in regards to cost and implementation. If the IC used in the circuit or any other components get damaged then it is very easy to replace it.
The theoretical part consists of the working of invertcr, like what is the principle behind its operation. its flaws and also the positive points or the advantages. So one can say that review of any project is just very much useful to know about what the project actually contains, but unless a person does it on his own he won’t be able to know what actually the circuit does as it is rightly said that action speaks louder than words.
2.3 Theory:
We know that the power direct current is steady and continuous and electrical charges flow in only one direction. When the output of DC power is represented on a graph, we would get a straight line. On the other hand the alternating current power flows back and forth in alternating directions and when it is represented on a graph, we get sine waves which are smooth and regular. A power inverter uses electronic circuits to cause the DC power flow to change directions, making it alternate like AC power. These oscillations are rough and uneven and hence the distortion i.e. unevenness must be removed for proper operation of the device which is to be connected to the output terminal of the inverter. So we use filters that smooth out the wave, allowing it to be used by more electronic devices.
We know that the square wave inverters don’t provide the smooth peaks and valleys that we get from the AC mains of our house, but it can deliver power that is capable enough to run most devices.
On the other hand pure sine wave inverters are the most expensive, but they also deliver the smoothest and most even wave output. Any device will run on a pure sine wave, but some sensitive equipment. Radios, for example, work better with pure sine wave inverters because the modified square wave inverter’s less-smooth waves disrupt the radio’s reception, causing static and other noise. Different models of power inverters vary in how many watts of power they can supply The capacity of an inverter should equal the total number of watts required by each device, plus at least a 50% addition to account for peaks or spikes in the power draw. For example, if a DVD player draws 100 watts and a small TV another 100 watts, a minimum 300-watt inverter is recommended. It is good to have an inverter with more capacity than what is needed because one can add new devices without need for a new power inverter.
While working with inverters one must also take some precautions. Working with large batteries can be dangerous, and when not done properly, can result in serious injury. Improper use of a power inverter can even lead to electrocution