There are number of factors that contribute to the success of any organization, these factors include, capital, equipment, manpower e.t.c. All these factors are important but the most significant factor is the human factor since it is the people that will put the other resources to work, it should be viewed as such by management by giving it due attention in order to achieve its organizational goals and objectives.
Manpower Training and Development is essential to the success of every organization. Although technology and the internet have enabled global collaboration and competition, employees are still the organization’s competitive advantage. Manpower training and development enables employees to develop skills and competence necessary to enhance bottom-line results for their organizations.
Every organization is established for a purpose. The purpose of any organization is being achieved by man who is the source of existence of the organization, hence, the necessity for staff training and development.
Manpower training and development seeks to improve the performance of work units, departments, and the whole organization. It looks in depth at where an organization stands in comparison to where it hopes to be in the future, and develops the skills and resources to get there. The ultimate goal of staff training and development is to enable the organization to grow stronger in achieving its purpose and mission.
Organizations in order to enhance efficiency and effectiveness embark on the following;
1. Human Resource Development: The process of equipping individuals with the understanding, skills and access to information, knowledge and training that enables them to perform effectively.
2. Organizational Development: The elaboration of management structures, processes and procedures, not only within organizations but also the management of relationships among the different organizations and sectors (Public, Private and Community).
3. Institutional and Legal Framework Development: Making legal and regulatory changes to enable organizations, institutions and agencies at all levels and in all sectors to enhance their capacities.
The recognition that human resource is value means for improving productivity as the most valuable assets of any organization since the management of other resources (e.g. information resources, material resources e.t.c) entirely depends on it, this study was based on how those assets could be developed.
The importance of training and development is very crucial given the growing complexity of the work environment, the rapid change in organizations and advancement in technology, among other things. Training and development helps to ensure that organizational members possess the knowledge and skills they need to perform their jobs effectively, take on new responsibilities and adapt to changing conditions.
Training both physically, socially, intellectually and mentally is very essential in facilitating not only the level of productivity but also the development of personnel in organizations. Therefore, training can be put in a context relevant to school administrators. However, knowledge is the ability, the skill, the understanding, the information, which every individual requires in order to be able to function effectively and perform efficiently.
In Nigeria, inefficiency is a very serious problem that needs to be addressed urgently. Europe faced this same problem in the 18th and 19th centuries and writers such as Max Weber (1947), Vroom (1970), and a host of others were able to address the issue of how organizations can increase output and improve efficiency.
Most organizations find it difficult to identify the training needs, and even where the need is recognized, a lot of time and money is committed to staff training and development. The exercise is often either in-appropriate, haphazard or premised on a faulty diagnosis of organizational training needs. In other situations, where training happens to occur, deployment of staff so trained may be without regard to the skill the staff acquired, leading to frustration of personnel so trained and also general inefficiency in the system. Public sectors in Nigeria are fond of this practice (Onah 2008). The workforce is generally under-tapped, under-utilized and therefore falls short of its anticipated contributions to the realization of organizational goals. It is appalling to note that mangers in Nigeria have paid little or no attention on staff training programmes often manifest tripartite problems of incompetence, inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Numerous scholars have been writing on how efficiency, competence and effectiveness can be achieved through training. Among other scholars that highlighted the usefulness of training are Graig (1976), Akintayo (1996), and Oguntimehin (2001). They identified the functions of training as follows; increase productivity, improves the quality of work, improves skills, knowledge, understanding and attitude; enhance the use of tools and machine; reduces waste, accidents, turnover, lateness, absenteeism and other overhead costs, eliminates obsolesce in skills, technologies, methods, products, capital management etc. It brings incumbents to that level of performance which needs the performance for the job; enhance the implementation of new policies and regulations; prepares people for achievement, improves man-power development and ensures the survival and growth of the enterprise.
The general objective is to examine how manpower training and development enhance public sector performance.
The specific objectives are to:
1. Find out how training needs are determined in public sector organizations.
2. Examine if there is any significant relationship between training and development of employees and the productivity level of the employees in public sector organizations.
3. Investigate the impact of Staff Training and Development on the performance of employees in public sector organizations.
4. To identify the factors that militates against successful staff training in public sector organizations.
5. To proffer possible measures for improvement.
However, in light of the above exposited objectives, the following questions were posited to guide the study;
1. How are the training needs determined in public sector organizations?
2. Is there any significant relationship between training and development of employees and the productivity level of the employees in public sector organizations?
3. Are there factors that militate against successful staff training in public sector organizations?
The type of research methodology used in this research to gather data and relevant information is the case study research and the study will adopt survey method of data collection. This will involve the collection of materials from primary sources, such as oral interviews and the use of questionnaires.
It will be too wide and unmanageable for us to carry out a study on employee training and development. Its implication will be that while studying employee training and development in the whole wide-world we relate it to both private and public organizations. To escape this danger, the scope of this study was reduced to manpower training and development in the Nigeria public services. Even at this, studying the whole public service in Nigeria will also be too unmanageable for us. This made us to further reduce the scope or width of the study on Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC), Nigeria.
The intention was to use the study in generalizing on manpower training and development in Nigeria public organizations.
However, there always exist many constraints militating against a good research work. Among these limitations/ constraints include the unwillingness attitude of some individuals and civil servants to come up with relevant information, for some reasons best known to them.
Another constraint is that of reaching to the appropriate respondents.
Most of our respondents do not reside where they can be easily reached and this posed a problem for the researcher.
Besides, some of the respondents subjected the researcher to some rigorous bureaucratic process thereby making it hard for the researcher to get some relevant information needed for the study and this also posed a limitation to the researcher.
However, despite these constraints, the research was successfully carried out through persistence and perseverance.
The significance of this research lies in its contribution to the literatures on human resource training and development. This research work would largely complement our broad based knowledge on the nature, functions, objectives and character of manpower resources training and development. In other words, it would serve as a primary source of data to readers and researchers.
Theoretically, the research work would also stimulate future readers in the task of complementing the work already done. For this reason, the study will add to the body of knowledge and as well aid the organizations in understanding the abysmal conditions shrouding most human resources training and development policies.
It is hoped that, apart from the research work enriching existing literatures on human resources training and development, it will be of immense benefit to future researchers and scholars in the quest for additional knowledge.
At the practical level, it will serve as a guide to practioners in the field of public administration especially in the formulation of policies on human resources training and development for government. The research work will in this manner, serve as a guide for policy instruments.
- Training: training is the process of preparing somebody or being prepared for a job. In manpower development, training is therefore an indispensable element and at the same time, a vehicle for development.
- Development: Development generally means the process of causing somebody or something to grow or making something to become larger gradually, but in relation to manpower development can be seen as a process of increasing the quality or value or skill of an employee (personnel).
- Management: this is the application of human and material resources in achieving the objective of an organization effectively and efficiently through planning and forecasting.
- Planning: - it is the act or process of making plan. Planning is a major component of the management process, which is concerned with defining ends, means and conduct at every level of organization life.
- Organisation: - it is a system of behaviour designed to enable human and their machines accomplish goals. Organisation is also defined as the sum total of the way in which it divides the labour distinct tasks and then achieves co-ordination between them.
- Business: - this is any economic activity oriented towards producing goods and services at profit for the satisfaction of mankind.
This refers to the human resources available in an organization that will deal with planning, decisions, and execution of the functions that will inform the significance of the existence of the organization.
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the study 5
1.4 Research questions 6
1.5 Research methodology 6
1.6 Scope and limitation of the study 9
1.7 Limitation of study 9
1.8 Significance of study 10
1.9 Definition of terms 11
2.1 Meaning of training 13
2.2 Overview of development 15
2.3 The concept of manpower training 17
2.4 The concept of manpower development 22
2.5 Stages/steps in organizing manpower training
And development programme 27
2.6 Problems of manpower training and development
In Nigerian public sectors 30
3.1 Research design 34
3.2 Selection of data 34
3.3 Collection of data 34
3.4 Population, sample and sampling procedure 36
3.5 Questionnaire design 37
3.6 Method of data analysis 37
4.2 Background information of respondents 39
4.3 Analysis and interpretation of the
Research questions 40
5.1 Findings 50
5.2 Summary 52
5.3 Conclusion 54
5.4 Recommendation 56
Bibliography 60
Appendixes 63