Clearance is a status granted individuals, typically members of Military, University graduates and Employees of Government and their contractors, allowing them access to classified information, a clearance by itself is normally not sufficient to gain access. The organization must determine that the clearance individual has a “need to know” the information. Clearance is the process of determining and negotiating any permission that are needed to maintain the use of someone else’s intellectual property in creative project. Part of that process include
. Determining the owner(s) of the intellectual property.
. Contacting the owners and negotiating on agreement.
. Administering written contracts
. Handling other issue related to the use and licensing of intellectual
No one is supposed to be granted access to classified information solely because of rank of position, but once a clearance is obtained access to certain information or gain of freedom will be granted.
The advantages of e-learning are many, as people of all ages and backgrounds become increasingly reliant on the internet for information, online learning become more convenient and efficient here, the need for an online clearance system. The skills needed to access and comprehend information online are becoming common place, and the flexibility of wireless computing means that any coffee shop, airport or bedroom can become a classroom online courses, registration, clearance have few, if any scheduling restrictions, well-integrated learning resources and competitive degree option, with an online clearance system. The changing online college landscape now includes online clearance system, traditional undergraduate and general studies programs. However, career learning is still the most popular online training option.
Ecole Suprieure d’ Administration, et Economie De Journalisme Et Des Métiers De L’audiovisuel (ESAE UNIVERSITY BENIN) was found by Clement Adeoti Adechian and established in 2007 to become word class established in academics, learning and culture. The school runs two university Season i.e. Campuses, French and English.
The university is approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Benin Republic, and all it courses are accredited by the same body.
The institution is recognized by Nigerian Government and all trained graduates are allowed to participate in the National Youth Service Corps Program (NYSC) in Nigeria. This has made the university to be accorded with Primus intersperse (Giant among equal) in the country.
However, the university is one of the forty-one (41) approved by the Ministry of Higher Education Benin Republic to run bilingual program. The school is adequately equipped with modern-day facilities to aid proper and efficient learning process; staff, making the university one of the greatest in the country.
In addition, the school certificate is co-signed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Management of the school. The school provide the following courses; Computer Science (CSC), Economics, Accounting, Political Science, Banking and Finance, International Relation (IRS), Public Administration, Business Administration, Human Resource Management and Law. Admission requirement include Five O‘Level credit passes (mathematic and English Language compulsory) in not more than two sitting.
The process of clearing students of a named institution ESAE UNIVERSITY during examination or after graduation requires that the students must be cleared in their various departments and information units. Among which are:
I. Academic Records
II. Administrative Department
III. Bursary
Furthermore, for a graduating student to carry out his/her clearance from all these departments it normally takes a lot of time and a lot of processes and delay in clearing the student for youth service as well as collection of statement of results. Hence, it became imperative for computer software based online clearance system to eliminate the shortcoming of the manual system in place.
The objective of this computer software based online clearance system for the graduating student includes the following:
1) To effectively and efficiently process student’s clearance.
2) To provide a reliable and transparent system devoid of personal inclination and interest.
3) To provide borderless access.
4) To ensure prompt clearance.
5) To alleviates the problems and stress of travelling and queuing up of student during clearance.
The project work will help in a good number of ways to ease the queuing system in the university as the online clearance system will help student to achieve whatever they want to achieve without coming to the various offices for clearance.
Clear advantages of internet information processing over those of traditional manual system are higher yields. Online clearance system allows the users to check their clearance status as whether they are in any way indebted to the school, fill and submit their clearance form, and obtain their clearance letter. There are many other advantages of online clearance system and some of them are listed below
It saves a lot of time.
It is very convenient to use it right from the bedroom, office or anywhere in the world.
Information processing is very fast and delays can be avoided.
It is inexpensive to student and school management.
It helps the school in reducing cost such as labor and stationary.
This project work is to develop a computer software based online clearance system for students of ESAE University. The software development will be carried out using Basic Visual 2012 for all static and dynamic programming and Microsoft Access to manage the database.
This project covers some of the aspect of a computer software based online clearance system using Ecole Suprieure d’ Administration, et Economie
However, the following are the constraints:
TIME CONSTRAINTS: Due to time constrain the web-page covers only clearance for various departments by the graduating student.
FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS: Due to financial constraints people cannot afford this kind of process online especially towards the cost of accessing the internet. Therefore, it would cost a lot to develop a full web-based clearance system.
Some documents were considered confidential and were not made available.
Computer Network: Computer network is a system that connects two or more computers together using a communication link.
World Wide Web: World Wide Web simply called “www” is the most important tool of the internet, it was created in the late 1980’s in Europe and was limitedly use in academic’s cycle.
Clearances: official certification of blamelessness trustworthiness or suitability for graduation and issue of certificate in degree course.
File Transfer: Any kind of computer file can be sent via the internet from one internet user to another. Table of account in a spreadsheet, design by a graphic artist, music and sound files etc. can all be exchanged in this way.
Web Browser: this is special kind of software that processes hypertext mark-up language (HTML) document. In other words, a web browser is a computer program that interprets HTML command to collect, arranged and display the parts of a web page.
Web Site: A web site is a collection of many interconnected web page organized by a specific college, organization company etc., containing web page (goods and commodities) on the internet. Web site is stored on web servers. There are many web sites and thousands of HTML pages on each web site. A web is a treasure of information and entertainment.
Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks are highlighted words and phrase you find on a web document that you can click on as to jump to some other document or internet services.
Online: connected via a computer attached to or available via a central computer network
Offline: Disconnected from computer network, describe a computer terminal or peripheral devices disconnected from a computer network.
System: Set of computer components that is, an assembling of hardware, software and peripheral functioning together.
Title page……………………………………………………………………….i.
Approval page…………………………………………………………………ii
Table of content
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background of the study
1.3 Statement of the study
1.4 Objectives of the study
1.5 Significance of the study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Limitations
1.8 Definition of terms
2.1 Role of information technology in the academic system
2.2 Data and information
2.3 Technology enhanced computer software based online clearance systems
2.4 Computer based online information system
2.5 Data bases
2.6 Communication technology used in online clearance system
3.0 Methodology
3.1 General analysis of the existing system
3.2 Benefit of the current system
3.3 Problems of the current system
3.4 Method of data collection
3.5 Justification for new system
4.1 System Design
4.2 Features of the proposed system
4.3 Unmatched flexibility
4.4 Implementation phase
4.5 Implementation environment
4.6 System testing
4.7 File conversion
4.8 Method of change over
4.9 User’s guide
4.10 System documentation
4.11 Snap shots of the admission examination system
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
Appendix A Welcome page
Appendix B Home page
Appendix C Input forms
Appendix D Output forms
Appendix E Codes